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Competency: Personal Goal

AJ Manchanda

Do note the following evidence of product and 'taking action' in conjunction with the below reflection.

Evidence of Product:

Google Drive folder consisting of all videos here:

Final Video: Marketing of ‘Ladawan’ Neighborhood:

Videos Demonstrating Development in Skills:

Development Video 1:

Footage acquired from previous trip to Hua Hin during the summer break. Skills include getting used to the software despite not using drone footage. Understanding basic, intermediate editing techniques. (More thoroughly described in process journal)

Development Video 2:

Implemented drone footage. Practiced filming and applying research in using filming techniques. Continuing to develop skills in editing however main priority was to develop filming skills when using the drone. (More thoroughly described in process journal)

Development Video 3:

Footage acquired from previous trip to Maldives during summer break. Skills include using more advanced editing skills derived from research. Considering song choice in telling a story through the video. Editing clips in a more cinematic way through following the rhythm of the song. (More thoroughly described in process journal)

Development Video 4:

Implemented both editing and drone techniques to have smoother shots. Editing techniques used are somewhat advanced however not as much as video 3 in telling a story. Edited shots and clips according to the music. Practiced with different types of shots and angles derived from research, at this point I am more confident with editing software as well. (More thoroughly described in process journal)

The MYP Personal project allowed me to truly develop as an individual. I was proud of

the development I made from a personal goal that was set from self interest and motivation.

I have seen the personal project (PP) as a great opportunity to seek independence through taking initiative in learning a topic of genuine personal interest. I aimed to develop skills in planning, filming and editing to produce a final 3 minute video using drone cinematography and marketing techniques to promote a housing project in Bangkok. Video making and editing has always been a passion of mine. Since 2011, I created videos in areas ranging from travel to recording myself playing video games. The process from recording, editing and publishing was an unadulterated passion of mine. Using a drone however, was a new interest. I was captivated by the numerous videos and shots filmed with drones. Marketing was also a topic of interest. Seeing various advertisements made me ponder about its creation and the techniques involved for ‘effective’ advertisements.

The goal presents a highly challenging project. I am expected to combine the unfamiliar concepts of marketing and filmmaking to develop a video. I need to learn essentials in filming and flying drones, its shots and effects on the target audience. Marketing techniques also need to be learnt through understanding the clients needs and each techniques consequented results. Supplementally, I was required to demonstrate my development of skills, shown through the 4 additional development videos.

In order to fully achieve the goal and to measure the extent in which I was able to develop, stretch myself and learn new skills, I created a list of criteria to measure the successes of the outcome.

  1. Demonstrate “development” in filming and editing through producing 4, 2 minute videos

  2. ‘Development’ videos should vary in content and skill developed. 2 focused on filming with drones, other 2 focused on editing techniques/ filming with camera.

  3. Final video should be between 2.5 to 3 minutes long.

  4. Final video must demonstrate marketing concepts by implementing 5 marketing techniques outlined in Appendix 6

  5. Final Video should use a minimum of 10 different camera angles and shots that enhance content.

  6. Final Video should provide an effective overview of the neighborhood, houses and facilities, to convince the target audience in considering to buy a house.

  7. Words used should be minimal and video footage should be the main convincing factors. No more than 5 words at once.

  8. The video must support the end goal through selecting appropriate clips, music and fonts to fit the mood.

  9. Final Video must demonstrate extensive editing techniques in cutting clips according to the music, color grading to enhance colors and transitioning between clips.

The criteria covers the entire process of the project; form, function, purpose, audience and client. In criteria 1 and 2, development in skill is expected overtime with evidence. Criteria 4,6 and 7 cover the content of the final video, the marketing techniques and the overarching purpose. Finally, criteria 3,5,8 and 9 promotes a variety of skills in editing, filming and planning hence emphasizing the importance of the GC, science and technical innovation, in achieving the goal.

In order to further plan for the project, I needed to do a significant amount of research from a varied range of sources. Throughout the process, I have learnt the importance of research. Research was achieved using an extensive range of sources including websites, books, magazines and videos. As a result, information was collected from a range of perspectives, ideas and formats. Books were useful in summarizing information into engaging paragraphs, Magazines provided simplistic overviews of drones and detailed accounts of real life examples of cinematographers. Videos on Youtube provided inspiration and tutorials guided me with visual examples and straightforward steps. Lastly, websites covered extensive scopes of information from opinions, facts and experts. Examples range from professional drone courses aimed to develop skills, analysis of video angles from experts at UC Berkeley to the public's opinion and factual information regarding editing softwares. Before taking any information, all sources were evaluated for currency, relevance, authority and purpose. The process was used and considered for every source, even though not always written down. Growth was significantly demonstrated. Initially, I would only use websites for research, however after the process, I understood a range of sources and their individual benefits whether they are real life examples from magazines, visual aid from Youtube or new perspectives from books. I will now consider books, videos and magazines when it comes to researching. Furthermore, I learnt the importance of evaluating all sources to ensure that information is relevant and reliable.

In order to successfully complete the project a comprehensive plan was created. The action plan consist of short and long term deadlines throughout the project to keep track of time on a daily schedule, with all adjustments noted. The process covered inclusive of all 89 slides within the process journal corresponds closely to the plan, and in all instances, supervisor meetings were completed on time. After careful consideration, my initial goal to create one story-telling video was altered to create 5 videos After alterations in the plan, deadlines of the first 2 videos were met during summer break, however the other 2 videos took longer than anticipated thus leaving less time for the final video. Through accounting for this, planning adjustments were made and I managed to create the final video under the shorter time period . The plan also accounted for points to cover during each meeting hence ensuring effective preparation.

The primary change made to the plan was the content of the final video. In a meeting with my supervisor, we found that it would be better to have a particular purpose, rather than developing skills. As a result, the idea of marketing came up, an interesting and unfamiliar topic that promotes a high challenge.

After setting the goal and doing comprehensive planning, I needed to take action. The outcome I created covers the goal, GC and success criteria. The outcome consists of 5 separate videos, 4 aimed to develop technical skills, with 2 focused on filming and the other 2 focused on editing . The final video combines techniques in planning, filming and editing to produce a 3 minute video using marketing to promote a housing project in Bangkok. The product fully meets the goal is accordance to Appendix 9.

Within the criteria, over 5 marketing techniques were used and 10 different camera angles or shots, each with distinct purposes. Words are also minimized and editing is extensive in selecting appropriate clips and music, with color grading and transitions. Evidence for each criterion is described, tested and evaluated in Appendix 9. The one modification made to criteria was the length of the final video from 5 to 3 minutes. This is because marketing videos need to be straightforward for consumer attention, where a 5 minute video may be too long. The change is not due to challenge but instead feasibility and context.

The goal presents relevance to the GC, scientific and technical innovation. It is essential to understand digital technology whether it’s flying the drone, editing or learning new shots and angles to develop my skills. The final video aims to market a housing project, but without sufficient understanding of technical innovation it will not have success.

After the process, I was able to reflect on the process in a variety of ways in regards to various aspects.

Firstly in terms of self management skills, I learnt that time management is essential. In my action plan, I took account of both long and short term deadlines in an organized table, whilst following it consistently. For instance, the plan required a completion of 2 development videos by August 16th, through additional technological reminders, I met deadlines. Despite strengths, limitations arose. When creating the plan, I disregarded additional stress from Year 11. Consequently, video 3 was completed late due to increased school work during that period, hence providing less time to complete the final video (Appendix 7). Improvements would come from considering external factors to make adjustments and work during days that I am free. As a result, growth is demonstrated through learning to consider external factors that may affect plan and finding ways to work around them.

Affective skills were also significant. Before meeting 2, I felt nervous as I lack confidence in presenting. Being nervous tends to make me stutter, speak quickly and use filler words, thus affecting clarity. The affective skill of mindfulness, learnt from Ms Sandra during advisory sessions ensured that I was calm and did not panic. When presenting, I felt relaxed thus allowing for a clear and concise presentation with limited use of filler words. Furthermore, perseverance was used in the stages of editing, being a time intensive job which gets frustrating. In video 5, color grading was required for each individual clip, having 60 clips, the process took 3 hours. Perseverance and mindfulness was used to calm myself whilst taking short breaks to understand the bigger picture thus increasing motivation (Appendix 8). Growth was seen in my affective skills. I used to think past meditation, not believing it worked, however after doing so seriously, I understood its benefits. Resultantly, I have grown to be open minded in finding new strategies to help with perseverance

Critical, creative and transfer thinking skills were also demonstrated throughout the project, as seen below:

Critical Thinking
- Editing softwares were evaluated using books, websites and youtube reviews to determine strengths and weaknesses in reaching my needs
-Critical thinking used to conclude whether benefits outweigh the disadvantages for each and selecting a software to use

Creative Thinking
-Using acquired knowledge and applied it creatively to outcome.
For example, I learnt about orbital shots and thought about creative ways to apply it and its effects.
-This was applied when planning for videos, forcing my to think creatively about each shot and its effects that may help reach the end goal

Transfer skills
After research shots and filming techniques, knowledge was used within videos.
For example, In research I found that filming slowly in orbital shots allowed for smoother clips, this knowledge was further transferred to other contexts. I filmed slowly using drones and cameras in all shots, this allowed me to better control the drone allowing for fluid and perfected shots that could be edited to the speed required
-I learnt about tilt, planning and crane shots, and although they are irrelevant to filming with drones, It was transferred from camera filming techniques. For instance, I moved the drone in a crane-like movement to emphasize the house exterior in the final video

Growth was demonstrated in all thinking skills. My thinking skills were limited at the beginning. When going through the project, I was forced to research due to limited understanding of filmmaking, as a result I needed to consider various perspectives and combine acquired research. Critical decisions, creative applications and transferring knowledge was essential in understanding and applying knowledge to create an effective video. This was done throughout, even at times without realization.

I also reflected on my growth and development in terms of social and communicative skills. Interaction was mainly demonstrated through communicating with my supervisor. This was predominantly seen through emails as I initiated contact for all meetings . Communication was also demonstrated verbally during the meetings, requiring me to be straightforward and clear to allow for all points to be delivered in the time frame. Communication was also required in the ‘work-in-progress’ presentation. Consequently, my presentation skills were developed through speaking in a clear, loud and coherent manner to a larger audience . Subsequently, I communicated with the NIST community to gather feedback from students and teachers. Two separate surveys were made with Google forms, one sent to the students focusing on technical skills and the other sent to teachers that focused on marketing techniques .

A large variety of mediums were used as forms of communication from start to finish. I initially felt nervous to communicate with a supervisor, but was able to grow through being prepared and confident in meetings. I also lacked confidence in presenting however affective skills assisted my improvement . Finally. it was the first time I sent surveys to larger groups, teaching me the importance of survey length, question type and data processing. Finally, being concise was challenging but the report forced me to communicate relevant information with coherence.

Finally, throughout the process I developed as an IB learner. At the beginning, I was a learner or practitioner in all of the attributes.

Development as IB Learner:

Open Minded
Accepting new mindfulness strategies
Evaluating a range of perspectives on technology and its impacts on our community.

Risk Taker
I was initially afraid of Flying drones. However, due to comprehensive research (Appendix 3,4), I flew the drone regardless of its countless risks.
A lack confidence in communicating was seen but constant exposure derived from presentations, surveys and communication with my supervisor verbally and through emails is evident. This is due to my risk taking, thus developing my confidence.

Thinker, Inquirer, Knowledgeable

Explored concepts of drones, effects of various shots and marketing techniques out of curiosity.
Demonstrated independence in learning, considering a balanced range of disciplines.
Critical thinking used to evaluate strengths and weaknesses in editing softwares.

Reflected on prior knowledge and experiences which were transferred with relevance
Reflected on entirety of the process, evaluating outcome against specifications to determine development in skills while seeking room for growth

On top of my detailed reflection on the skills that I developed that could help me in a variety of scenarios in everyday life, I also learnt skills specific to my topic.

Drone Cinematography
- Initially refrained from moving the drone far away, time was therefore spent researching controls and practicing flying by learning from Youtube tutorials to develop confidence.
- Eventually, I attempted different shots derived from research on its effects on the audience .
- For example, I found that establishing shots and birds eye view allows the viewer to get an overarching view of the concepts, this information was transferred into the marketing video.

- As seen through the development videos, in the beginning stages clips were simply put together, videos had no flow and music did not associate with the clips.
-As time went by cuts were smoother resulting in more flow, the music, clips and fonts develop a particular message in each scenario and color grading skills were learnt.

- I initially never considered a target audience or effect of shots when making videos.
- I learnt to analyse music, font and sequence of the film to tell a specific story and fit the videos context.
-Concise, striking phrases were used in conjunction with advertisement techniques of logos and ethos.
-Editing technique of color grading was used to enhance visuals, for example the color green was color graded to be more vivid and emphasize the marketing point of nature.

My understanding of the GC, scientific and technical innovation has improved. In the GC, we are expected to explore how humans use their understanding of science and technology to impact our communities. My initial understanding of this was shallow, I understood drones were a technological advancement but did not think beyond developing skills . Throughout the process I explored ways drones were being used to impact communities. My final video focused on marketing hence developing my interdisciplinary understanding of how technology and critical thinking could impact communities in the form of marketing. I became more open minded about possibilities in technology and am constantly reflecting on ways it affects our communities.

Overall this process was very meaningful to me as an individual, I was able to set a personal goal out of my own initiative and motivate myself throughout the process. I had a well documented process of goal setting, planning, action and reflection and was successfully able to transfer these skills and apply it into a variety of different ways.